The School Day

Reception pupils:   

8.40am - 3.10pm*

KS1 pupils

8.40am - 3.10pm*

Full-time pupils:

8.40am – 3.10pm*

*(this equates to 32.5 hours per week)


Children entering the school in the Reception Class are part time for the first week of school when they start in September finishing at 1pm. They are full-time from the second week. 


Procedures at the start of the day:

Children should not arrive on site before 8.40 a.m. unless registered to attend our Breakfast Club. There are members of staff and 'Playground Pals' to meet your children at the drop off zone on the main school drive. So we encourage you to  'drop and go'.

All children may enter their classrooms between 8.40am and 8.55am. Classroom doors close at 8.55am.


Other routines:

There is a mid-morning break for all children and an afternoon break for children in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

Children are encouraged to eat fruit during morning break and this is provided free of charge for children in Foundation Stage and Years 1 & 2.  Foundation Stage children (3 to 5 years old) have their own outdoor play times, separate to the rest of the school.


Lunch time:

Pupils can either have a packed lunch with a drink in a named plastic container or a hot dinner.

If you are providing a packed lunch please note fizzy drinks and sweets are not allowed.

As some of our pupils suffer from severe peanut allergies, we ask parents not to use peanut butter as a sandwich filling. However, if peanut butter is the only sandwich filling your child will eat then a separate table will be provided for your child to use. This is to avoid any cross contamination or transfer of product.

Free hot lunches are available to any pupil in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2. These should be booked through the IFG (Imfact Food Group) system, one week in advance. For children in Years 3 to 6 hot lunches must be paid for unless parents are in receipt of Income Support, or Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit (with no working tax credit) with an annual income of no more than £16,190 or Universal Credit (with an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400. If you are not in receipt of these you must pay £2.65 per lunch, booked in advance through the IFG app.

Please note you cannot bring in 'hot' food from home for your child to eat.

Further details about hot lunches, menus and eligibility for free school meals are available from the School Office.


Collection at the end of the school day:

At the end of the day children should be collected at 3.10pm from their outside classroom door. The school day always ends with a quiet reflective time where prayers are said. It is very important that the children are not distracted by parents or siblings either knocking on the window/door or generally trying to attract their child’s attention. Please be respectful of our Faith and the importance we place upon prayer by waiting away from the classrooms. When the children are ready the teachers will open the door and send your child to you. Please ensure that you do not block any pathways as it makes it very difficult for the children and staff to see their parents.