School Travel Plan

We are very proud to hold the Modeshift Stars Gold School Travel award and pride ourselves on our continuous promotion of safe and healthy travel.

To achieve this we have a very hard working group comprising of staff, governors and some pupils who are JRSO’s (junior road safety officers).  Together we help to promote road safety and sustainable transport, running competitions and also help to tackle parking and congestion issues.

We actively encourage our pupils and staff to walk, scoot or cycle to school as they:

  • keep us fit and healthy

  • help our pupils develop road safety skills which will keep them safe as they travel further afield and more independently

  • help keep our local air clean, and our streets free from congestion

  • are life skills that everyone should be able to benefit from


Bike and scooter racks are provided on site so that bikes and scooters can be left during the day. These are situated just past the main entrance. While we cannot take responsibility for bikes, scooters and helmets left on the premises, the racks are behind gates that are secured and locked during the school day. Bikes and scooters can also be locked to the rack if desired.

What we ask of parents:

  • Please encourage your child(ren) to walk, scoot or cycle to school whenever possible

  • Ensure your child(ren) walk or ride sensibly and safely on the way to and from school, and to push bikes and scooters on school grounds

  • Ensure that bicycles and scooters are roadworthy and properly maintained. If in doubt consult a qualified mechanic

  • We recommend that all children are provided with a cycle helmet

  • Ensure your child(ren) can be seen by fitting lights to their bike by supplying them with high-visibility clothing

  • Make sure your child(ren) has a lock for their bike or scooter and that they know how to use it

  • Ensure you have appropriate insurance cover for your child(ren)’s bicycle or scooter as the school is not liable for any loss or damage to cycles or scooters on the premises or being used on the way to or from school

  • If you travel by bus, can you get off the bus at least two stops early and walk the last part of the journey.

We understand that sometimes there is no alternative to driving to school. Where a car must be used we ask parents to drive only part of the way, and drop their child(ren) off away from the school so that some of the journey can be walked or scooted. We have a 5 / 10 minute walk zone marked on our walking map (below).


If you do have to drive your child/ren to school and stop in the near vicinity please do so legally, safely and with respect for our neighbours and local residents. It is not acceptable to park or wait on double yellow lines, on the school zigzags or across residential driveways for any period of time.

Some examples of the fun events we may hold throughout the year:

  • Be Bright, Be Seen Day

  • Walk to school Week

  • Big Pedal

  • Bikeabillity

  • Road Safety Week

  • Competitions