We have an active PTA, which organises a variety of social and fund raising events, which greatly enrich the life of the school. As a parent of a child at St Louis you automatically become a member of the PTA and you will be encouraged to:

  • Give time to the PTA by being on the committee or assisting at events;

  • Be active members of the PTA and support their activities such as School discos, Ice cream and tuck shops, Summer Fete and Christmas Bazaar.

On average our PTA raises about £5,000 each year and this is spent on a variety of equipment that directly benefits our children.

If there are any events you would like the PTA to try and organise or if you have ideas of your own please get in touch with one of the Committee members of the PTA. If you are not sure who they are, leave your details at the school office and someone will call you back or email on

The PTA are very proud to have recently provided the following items - library books, workshops including Happy Chicks and The Young Shakespeare Company, IT equipment, PE equipment - the list is endless! But we still want to do more!

Remember without your support the PTA cannot raise the funds it needs to help your children!