Pastoral Care and Buddies

Positive, respectful relationships are at the heart of life at St Louis and children and adults alike are encouraged to reach their full potential whilst being aware of their responsibility to do what they can to enable others to do the same.

In order to help create an appropriate climate for learning, there is a code of conduct, which sets out the standards we expect pupils to adhere to. This is shared with our parents and pupils through the Home School Agreement and is set out clearly in our Behaviour policy.  

All our children have a ‘Buddy’, who stays with them as they journey through our school. As the children become older they become a buddy to a younger child. This gives the children an opportunity to care for and take responsibility for someone else other than themselves. Year 3 is a ‘changeover’ year when the children learn the skills they will need in order to be an older buddy to someone younger.

Reception children have a Welcoming Ceremony when they start school. This marks their 'official' welcoming into our St Louis family where they will be loved and cared for, nurtured and cherished. They meet their Year 4 buddy and are welcomed into their House by their House Captain and Vice-Captain. This helps the children settle into school and begin to see what it means to be a pupil at St Louis. They have a sense that they have joined a Christian ‘family’ and that there are expectations and responsibilities of being part of this family; a family who will be there to care for them and help them grow.