Religious Education is a very important part of our curriculum and 10% of our teaching time is given to this subject. The RE curriculum we follow is 'Come and See' and topic information about what each class is learning can be found at the bottom of this page. As well as learning about Christianity, our children learn about other World Faiths and religions  such as Islam and Judaism.

By choosing to send your child to a Catholic School you are accepting that:

  • RE will have a greater prominence than in some other types of schools

  • our children will learn about other World Faiths and religions, not just Christianity

  • prayers are said daily

  • an act of collective worship or assembly will take place each day

  • Christian symbols are present in each classroom and in public areas.



Parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from religious education and collective worship but any parents considering this course of action should make an appointment to see the Head Teacher first.


Assemblies and Masses

As well as the daily acts of worship the school gathers for whole school and Key Stage assemblies on a regular basis. Parents are invited to many of our assemblies so please look out for information in the Headteacher's weekly update.

Masses take place at key times throughout the year such as the beginning and end of each term and on Feast days. Parents and parishoners are welcome to join us on these very special occasions.

Bishop Peter came to bless our new school!


Preparation for the Sacraments (Year 3 onwards)

Please contact your local priest for details of their preparation programmes. Details of local churches and priests can be found by following the link on our home page.

Prayer Sheet

Prayer Sheet 2