PE and Sport at St Louis Catholic Primary School

At St. Louis, we care about our children’s physical health, mental health and well-being. It is our ambition to give all children the opportunity to live healthy active lives. We aim to improve our children’s physical literacy (building physical competency alongside confidence, enjoyment, knowledge and understanding) and teach high quality, modern physical education lessons that engage all children from all backgrounds and abilities. We want to inspire children through sport, giving them positive experiences from a young age, which will lead to a lifetime habit of participation. We encourage children to be brave and broaden their horizons by providing a range of sports and activities at St. Louis for them to try. We want to ensure that the children have the opportunity to undertake 60 minutes of daily activity and reap the wider benefits of enhanced learning and academic achievement.


Intent: The knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each stage of the curriculum

It is our intent that all pupils have an opportunity to live healthy and active lives and to build the children’s confidence and enjoyment through competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. This will be achieved by being exposed to a high- quality physical education curriculum. As it states in the National Curriculum, 2014, “A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities.”

By the end of each key stage, children from all backgrounds and abilities will be immersed in a range of sporting activities that develop key skills whilst embedding values which support their personal development. Such as; British values, citizenship, spiritual moral social cultural (SMSC), healthy living and equality and diversity. Pupils with SEND will have additional support through strategies incorporated into the lessons. These are based on the Teacher Handbook: SEND and more detail can be found in the implementation section.

Children will be taught the same sports in alternative years. For example, Year 1, 3 and 5 will all be taught football. This will allow for progression of key skills and for them to build on prior knowledge.


EYFS:  Building good habits

Children will start their physical education journey by developing their fine and gross motor control which will form good habits for the rest of their journey. They will develop these fine and gross motor skills by using the sticky kids programme during the Advent term. The children are able to then use these good habits in a range of sport related activities from the PPP Planning scheme during the Lent and Pentecost term.


KS1: Journey of discovery

We want to inspire children through sport, giving them positive experiences from a young age. Children in KS1 will develop basic fundamental movement skills such as, balance and coordination, individually and with others, during high quality dance and gymnastics lessons. By the end of the KS1, children will have performed a dance by sequencing simple movement patterns.

All children in KS1 will continue their journey by mastering basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching in a range of sports and activities. Children will be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations that develop the children’s tactics for defending and attacking in a range of sports.


KS2: Broadening Horizons

At St. Louis, we encourage children to be brave and broaden their horizons by providing a range of sports and activities in which children can develop and use the skills learnt in KS1. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

In KS2, Children will play a range of different competitive sports, which are modified where appropriate. They will continue to develop their fundamental movement skills learnt in KS1, as well as building strength, flexibility and control through gymnastics, dance and athletics. The children will be exposed to adventurous outdoor activities, individually and as a team to help develop communication and leadership, both important in sport and in other walks of life.

Our intent as a score is to ensure all children have had the opportunity to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. Highly trained swimming coaches provide a chance for all children to use a range of strokes effectively. The children will perform safe self-rescue and gain an understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe in different situations.


Implementation: How the curriculum is taught and assessed

At St Louis we use a combination of curriculums to plan and deliver high quality P.E lessons, such as; Sticky Kids (EYFS) Primary P.E Planning (PPP) and Imoves. These schemes were chosen as they have easy to follow lesson plans and clear progression steps from one year to the next. Teachers are expected to annotate lesson plans to adapt and edit the lesson to the needs of the children in their class. It will also allow teachers to prepare equipment before the lesson begin.

The lessons also target all areas of the children’s personal development. Each year group will have two sports/games per half term. Totalling 12 different sports/games that target a variety of skills throughout the year. These sporting activities are repeated every year or other year to allow for progression across the school. For example, Tennis will be taught in Year 2, 4 and 6 so that progression of hitting the ball in a standing position then becomes moving and then hitting the ball with control. Swimming lessons are provided by experienced swimming teachers at a local swimming pool. Year 3, 4 and 5 would have each been swimming for 12 weeks by the end of the year.

PPP provide a document stating the progression for each sport in every year group. Every P.E lesson will begin with a short input in the classroom. During the first lesson the children will ‘meet’ the new sport by being exposed to examples of the professional game. The children will then identify the key skills they would need in order to play this game successfully. The children will then have the opportunity to learn and develop their key skills in the first 5 lessons. At the beginning of each input of the subsequent lessons, the children will recap the skill they learnt in the previous lesson and then which skill they will be taught. These inputs will allow the children to understand why they are learning the skill and why it would be important for this sport. They would then apply these skills in a celebration lesson at the end of the unit where they compete against each other in small sided games. The children also have opportunities to play in a range of inter school competitions throughout the year.


Impact: The outcomes pupils achieve

At St Louis the teachers are provided with lessons plans from the PPP planning. The lesson plans outline the learning objective for that lesson and the success criteria in which the children are assessed against by the teacher using a distant marking sheet. These judgements could be used to group children in the lesson or during the subsequent lessons. These judgements can also be used to help with summative assessment at the end of the academic year.

Each lesson a pupil is rewarded with a ‘P.E star badge’ for demonstrating any of the personal development goals with in a lesson. For example, they may have shown good British values by playing by the rules, or they have shown good citizenship by showing good leadership. These badges are to encourage all pupils to participate in the lesson and develop their own personal goals.

Lesson visits and discussion with pupils should demonstrate the learning that is taking place. This would include pupils’ being able to answer questions based on the skills they have been taught for the current sport and their ability to recall any prior learning.